Red Teaming

Red teaming uses advanced techniques to simulate a sophisticated attack on your organisation. The engagement helps you to identify how resilient your organisation’s security would be against a real-life attack.

What is a Red Teaming Engagement?

Although penetration testing is critical in helping an organisation identify key vulnerabilities in their systems, it doesn’t reflect how resilient the organisation’s security controls would prove in an advanced real life cyberattack.

A red teaming engagement involves simulating a realistic attack scenario with Predatech assuming the role of an external attacker and attempting to compromise the organisation’s defences.

The engagement is focussed on achieving a set of predefined objectives and obtaining agreed trophies.

Our red teaming methodology begins with open-source intelligence gathering, looking for any information that may help us on our engagement such as email addresses, usernames, passwords, and technologies in use.

We’ll then begin to map out the attack surface of the organisation and look for the path of least resistance to achieve our objectives.

We’ll use a range of tools and techniques employed by attackers to stay under the radar and quietly exploit available security weaknesses.

Findings for the engagement are consolidated in a report that clearly sets out how far the team was able to meet its objectives during the engagement timeframe.

The report will include clear steps and proof of concepts for actions taken and will also provide recommendations to help reduce the impact of the same exploit in future.

What Does Red Teaming Involve?

Attack planning and open-source intelligence gathering

Mapping the organisation’s external attack surface

Gaining a foothold on the organisation’s internal network and/or gaining privileged access to internet-facing services

Pivoting and moving laterally through the organisation’s network, continuing to escalate privileges

Evading security detections and bypassing mitigations

Gaining access to the target system and achieving the engagement objectives

Why Predatech?

Qualified Security

Assessments undertaken by CREST Registered Penetration Testers.

Clear & Focused

Findings reported in plain English and prioritised to help you focus on what really matters.


Competitive quotes tailored to your business with no hidden costs.


Proven track record of meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Latest Blogs

Predatech Turns Four

As we get ready to wrap-up a busy 2024, I’m happy to share that Predatech is now four years old! Writing this blog is one…

Predatech Turns Four

As we get ready to wrap-up a busy 2024, I’m happy to share that Predatech is now four years old! Writing this blog is one…


Predatech offers a range of security testing services and products, from vulnerability assessments to penetration testing.


Conduct in-depth testing of your systems using a range of advanced manual techniques to identify vulnerabilities.

Cyber Essentials

Support, assess, and certify your business in the Government-backed Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certifications.

ISO 27001 & IASME Cyber Assurance

Support to achieve ISO 27001 or IASME Cyber Assurance.